Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Cabbage Vegetable Soup

Packed with all kinds of wholesome vegetables happily swimming in a tasty tomato broth, this Cabbage Vegetable Soup is a bowl of warming comfort that you can eat to your heart's content, knowing that you are doing your body nothing but good!

Packed with all kinds of wholesome vegetables happily swimming in a tasty tomato broth, this Cabbage Vegetable Soup is a bowl of warming comfort that you can eat to your heart's content, knowing that you are doing your body nothing but good!

I can't believe it's already September... it hit me when I last went grocery shopping and noticed this stand filled with all kinds of beautiful, big, rock solid, super crisp green and red cabbages, going for a ridiculously low price. Yep. This could only mean one thing: fall is definitely right around the corner. 

Oh well! To be honest, it kind of made me happy 'cuz I'd been craving soup for days; so upon spotting them, I immediately decided that I was going to make cabbage soup... or more precisely, cabbage and vegetable soup. 

Man รด man is this stuff good. Even if you're not a fan of cabbage, this soup is packed with so much flavor, and it's so crazy comforting, that you will more than probably go for seconds, and even thirds. But the good thing is: this soup also happens to be so good for your overall health, so full of vitamins and other good wholesome stuff, and so very low in calories to boot, that you could go as far as eating the whole pot to yourself without having to feel guilty in the least. 

Although you might feel a tiny bit guilty about how, erm... windy, things might get that night, if you were to have this entire pot to yourself!  

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The post Cabbage Vegetable Soup appeared first on The Healthy Foodie.

* This article was originally published here

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