Monday, September 2, 2019

5 'Old School' Veggie Burgers for Labor Day Weekend

Alright, I'm absolutely giddy that vegan 'meat' has gone viral. I'm super excited that you can find vegan Whoppers and plant-based taco filling and even vegan KFC! I feel like vegan has taken some huge leaps and bounds into mainstream lately, and a big part of that is courtesy of fake meat products like the Beyond Burger and Impossible Burger. Hooray! If you love 'em, I'm happy for you. But I'll be totally honest, they just are not my thing. Maybe it's because I've just never been a beef fan, and maybe they just taste too real for me. But when it comes to burgers, I definitely prefer something vintage. Give me mashed beans, rice, mushrooms, all those things in a slightly mushy, hand-packed patty. And with that, here are my 5 'Old School'...

This is a summary, images and full post available on HHL website!

* This article was originally published here

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