Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Buffalo Tofu Skewers

If you are a fan of Buffalo Chicken, then you will be all over these Buffalo Tofu Skewers. Their flavor and texture is so similar to that of chicken, it's almost scary... they will totally win over even the toughest of tofu non-enthusiasts!

If you are a fan of buffalo sauce, then you will be all over these Buffalo Tofu Skewers. Their flavor and texture is so similar to that of chicken, it's almost scary... they will even win over the toughest tofu non-enthusiasts!

I almost gave up on these guys like 250 while elaborating this recipe... guess I was having one of those days where nothing seemed to be working for me. Thank goodness I persevered though, as these skewers are probably one of the best things I've eaten since switching to a vegan diet. To be completely honest, I'd been sort of craving my Buffalo Chicken Skewers — although just the Buffalo part, NOT the chicken — and was wanting really hard to find a decent, cruelty-free replacement for them. 

Mission accomplished! These buffalo tofu skewers have a texture that's even better than that of chicken if you ask me... it's totally chewy and firm yet strangely moist and juicy. As for flavor, well, — just like the originals — these skewers are not for the faint of heart: they do pack some serious heat! But their intense fire comes loaded with so much flavor that it renders the heat more than bearable, even for those whose taste buds are a tad delicate…

Although if you are really, truly super sensitive to heat, you might want to proceed with care... but if you are a fan of heat, you are in for a serious treat! 

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The post Buffalo Tofu Skewers appeared first on The Healthy Foodie.

* This article was originally published here

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