Saturday, August 31, 2019

Easy Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers! With Avocado.

Crave a veggie burger. Ok, so the 'fake meat' burgers are all the rage, and I'm super glad about that. But I have to admit, I'm pretty old school when it comes to my veggie burgers. And this one is my fave. It's also a fan fave. Sweet potato, white beans and a Panko bread crumb outer layer that is just to live for!... All your burger goodies get stacked on a toasted grain bun - crisp romaine leaves sprawling out the sides. Buttery avocado. Dijon or special sauce or vegan mayo. Optional slice of vegan cheese. Pepper. Thinly sliced onion. Maybe even some pickles if you'd like. Stack this burger however you'd like or eat these pattie as a yummy side or salad topper! (Really, they taste so good just as is.) Huge bonus: these Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers are super...

This is a summary, images and full post available on HHL website!

* This article was originally published here

Friday, August 30, 2019

White matter affects how people respond to brain stimulation therapy

Tiny changes in the microscopic structure of the human brain may affect how patients respond to an emerging therapy for neurological problems.

* This article was originally published here

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Fluffy Vegan Banana Pancakes

These super fluffy Vegan Banana Pancakes and made using mashed ripe banana, oat flour and a hint of cinnamon and vanilla. Easy to whip up and perfect with sliced banana, maple syrup or fruit syrup on top. Perfect for Sunday brunch or a weekday cozy feast, these are surprisingly speedy to whip up. Serve with your favorite warm mug and maybe a side of fresh fruit or juice. Fresh-squeezed grapefruit or OJ and a steamy hot latte would be perfection. Though these are not completely gluten-free as is, they certainly could be modified to be so. Plus read about my wild kitty adventure last Friday and my fave song from the new Taylor Swift album, Lover.....Read more »

This is a summary, images and full post available on HHL website!

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Thousand Island Power Salad Bowl with Creamy Mango and Poppy Seed Dressing

This Thousand Island Power Salad Bowl with Creamy Mango and Poppy Seed Dressing not only is a veritable nutrition powerhouse, it's also a total explosion of flavors and textures. Who ever said salads were boring?

This Thousand Island Power Salad Bowl with Creamy Mango and Poppy Seed Dressing not only is a veritable nutrition powerhouse, it's also a total explosion of flavors and textures. Who ever said salads were boring?

I wasn't too sure what to call this dish exactly... I mean, technically, it IS a salad, but it's got so much going on, it definitely deserves to be attributed the "power" adjective. And, well, it's served in a bowl, so... 

But really, whatever its name is, this is definitely is a salad that qualifies as a complete meal, and one that is so loaded with flavors, textures, colors and wholesome goodness that you can feel totally comfortable serving it to potential guests, or even ordering off the menu at the restaurant. Well, as a matter of fact, I have: this is where I got the inspiration for this dish, although I sort took mine to the next level...

I must admit that for a salad, it takes a somewhat long time to make and does require a fair amount of prep, but that's mainly because you have to cook the wheat berries and bake the sweet potatoes. None of that is really hard work, though, and all of it can be done ahead of time, too. And once that's out of the way, the rest is just a breeze!. 

What's more, even if you decided to make it all in one go, it would only take you about the same time that it takes to cook the wheat berries, plus maybe a little more. 

And trust me, the final dish is worth every second spent working on it, and then some! 

continue reading

The post Thousand Island Power Salad Bowl with Creamy Mango and Poppy Seed Dressing appeared first on The Healthy Foodie.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Ultimate Chunky Guacamole

This crazy good Chunky Guacamole is the ultimate healthy and delicious crowd-pleaser dip! Made with nothing but fresh, wholesome ingredients, it's packed with an insane amount of flavor, yet requires only 6 easy-to-find ingredients and 15 minutes of your time to whip up!

This crazy good Chunky Guacamole is the ultimate healthy and delicious crowd-pleaser dip! Made with nothing but fresh, wholesome ingredients, it's packed with an insane amount of flavor, yet requires only 6 easy-to-find ingredients and 15 minutes of your time to whip up!

Did I ever tell you just how much my boyfriend LOVES guacamole? He gets excited like a kid on Christmas morning whenever I whip up a batch... The good thing is, I've been making guacamole so often in the past year that I really upped my game when it comes to making guac. Well, especially after our trip to México last year, where I learned a thing or two about what makes a truly good authentic guacamole! I used to make things so complicated by adding all kinds of spices and unnecessary ingredients to my guac, but there, I've come to realize that a truly good guacamole is all about simplicity: the ingredients that go into it are already packed so full of flavor, you just want to let them shine, without anything getting in the way. 

And now — for some pretty exciting news! — I'll soon have another very good, and perhaps even better occasion to perfect the art of making guacamole, as I will be spending most of the next winter in beautiful Costa Rica! That's right: I will soon be enjoying la pura vida in CR for 3 whole months. I don't know yet whether I'll be able to blog from there, but that certainly is the plan! I might not be able to post as often, but cross my fingers that I'll at least be able to share a few authentic Costa-Rican recipes with you, learned straight from the locals. Is that grand, or what? For sure, it'll be an entirely different experience, and to be honest, I absolutely cannot wait. After so many years working/sitting at a desk, staring at a computer screen — okay, and sometimes cooking too! — this comes as a much needed change of scenery! 

But enough about this for now, let's get back to our ultimate chunky guacamole, shall we? I'm not kidding when I say it's the ultimate guacamole recipe. It really is that good. In fact, it totally is the easiest, tastiest, healthiest and fastest disappearing dip you will ever make. And there's absolutely nothing to it, really. It's stupid easy. You will soon be known as the queen, or king, of guacamole! So long as you follow a few very simple rules... 

You ready for this? Let's go! 

continue reading

The post The Ultimate Chunky Guacamole appeared first on The Healthy Foodie.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, August 26, 2019

Verdict In Oklahoma Opioid Lawsuit Will Be Watched Closely By Other States

The first major opioid trial in the country wraps up Monday. An Oklahoma judge will rule in a $17 billion civil suit filed by the state against Johnson & Johnson.

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Nothing new under the sun: Healthcare edition

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Any medical tourists on board?

Looking through my news alerts today I saw a couple items that support the old adage, “there’s nothing new under the sun.”

Exhibit 1: Biosimilars

Two academics have been arguing for a few months that biosimilars aren’t like generics after all and that the US should regulate the prices of biotech drugs once they go off patent. They’ve been banging their heads against the wall and are getting tired of it. “Time to throw in the towel on biosimilars,” they write in the Wall Street Journal.

I don’t disagree. In fact, I’ve been saying the same thing since 2006. (See A better idea than biogenerics.) No one listened so I gave up talking about it around 2011 (US biogenerics policy makes me sad).

Maybe I shouldn’t be so cynical –I think I’ll write to the authors and see if I can lend them a hand!

Exhibit 2: Medical Tourism

In 2007 I got pretty excited about medical tourism (aka medical travel) as a way to reduce costs without cutting quality –at a time when we were throwing our hands up about costs and coverage in the US. I went so far as to travel to Singapore and South Korea to research the topic and set up a TripAdvisor-style website to facilitate the phenomenon. Here’s the transcript of my interview with the author of the first serious book on the topic.

It’s a great topic to write about, and there are some excellent anecdotes, but it didn’t catch on in a big way a decade ago and I’m skeptical it will do so now.  Before the Affordable Care Act many middle class people were uninsured, so going abroad for orthopedic or heart surgery could mean the difference between losing one’s house/retirement savings or not. It was still a novel idea. But with the ACA there were many fewer people for whom it made great sense.

Most of what I saw was people going abroad for cosmetic treatments or dentistry. The other category was immigrants going back to their home country for treatment. (My sister-in-law went back to Canada for LASIK, for example.) Then as now, the US is the biggest destination country for medical “tourists.”

I really haven’t followed the field lately, but I’m seeing the same kinds of stories now (A prescription for a passport? Health plans covering medical tourism) that I saw then. This one says the industry is $439 billion growing at 15-25% per year. I haven’t reviewed the research but I promise you the market definition must be pretty broad!


By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.



The post Nothing new under the sun: Healthcare edition appeared first on Health Business Group.

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Food Burnout + What to Eat (When You Don't Really Feel Like Cooking)

Hey guys! So today's post is about how to feed yourself for health and happiness when you (honestly) just don't feel like cooking. When you just want to feed yourself well - with extreme ease and satisfaction. Plus, a bit on my personal experience with food burnout. And if you don't know what food burnout is, well don't worry, neither did I until I wrote this post. So here is my "What to Eat When You Don't Feel Like Cooking" Meal Ideas. And spoiler alert, yes, there is a (little) cooking involved for some of them...Read more »

This is a summary, images and full post available on HHL website!

* This article was originally published here

Friday, August 23, 2019

22 Dreamy Summer Travel Destinations

Being that it's May and my impending summer wanderlust is looming, I wanted to take a trip over to my "Travel Stories" section and shares a few of my most favorite trips! Here are my 22 Dreamy Summer (Or Anytime!) Travel Destinations + my fave photos that share my adventures...Read more »

This is a summary, images and full post available on HHL website!

* This article was originally published here

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Smoothie Oatmeal

Raise your hand if you already do this. Raise your hand if you think this sounds weird. Either way, you've made it this far, so you are probably curious, yes? This Smoothie Oatmeal is something I started doing recently and I love it. I started doing it as a way to split up a large smoothie into two portions. This started when my husband was on a breakfast smoothie kick for breakfast. But have been into an oatmeal routine this summer. But I mean, who can resist a freshly blended smoothie? So I would portion off a side glass of smoothie for myself - to drink. But eventually, I just started pouring my small smoothie portion right over top the oats and berries - and boom - smoothie oatmeal was born. For those who are meal-time-indecisive, like me, you get the best of both worlds....

This is a summary, images and full post available on HHL website!

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Vegan Taco Tuesday Recipes

updated 8/13/19 As a kid, Taco Night was the first time I was allowed to "assemble" dinner myself. Just grab an empty taco shell and dive right into the wide platter of fillings. Mom's job? Easy. Create the spread and let the kids do the rest. No fuss. Taco Tuesday. These days, tacos have become so much more. Taco Tuesday reminds us to dive into one of our most beloved meals. But really, Tuesday can be about more than just tacos.... guacamole, quesadillas and even enchiladas. And that whole "Tuesday" thing. Taco Tuesday is most definitely any day of the week you choose. Get all my favorite recipes for the most amazing plant-based, vegan Taco Tuesday - any day, ahead...Read more »

This is a summary, images and full post available on HHL website!

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Harvard Pilgrim and Tufts are merging. Here’s why it doesn’t really matter

Hail to the Chief! Tom Croswell is slated to lead the combined Tufts/Harvard health plan

Harvard Pilgrim and Tufts –the second and third largest health plans in Massachusetts–  are merging.  It deserves the front page treatment it’s receiving today (check out the comprehensive coverage in the Boston Globe) –and will have an impact on employees and members– but I predict that the long term impact on Massachusetts healthcare overall will be modest at best.

To boil it down, despite being ranked by NCQA as the top two health plans in the whole country for many years (here’s 2014 for example), it’s been a long time since either Harvard or Tufts had a major influence in the local market. That’s harsh but I don’t think I’m overstating things.

In 2001 when I was setting up my business and looking for health insurance, I asked around about which insurer to use. My doctors said they were indifferent, but a friend at Partners Health Care told me Blue Cross was the only plan they paid attention to.

The last time Tufts tried to seriously impact the market was about 20 years ago, when Partners HealthCare manhandled them in rate negotiations.  And former Harvard Pilgrim CEO, Charlie Baker admitted publicly around the early aughts that when Harvard Pilgrim tried innovative reimbursement structures, hospitals just ignored them and converted everything into Medicare equivalents. And clearly the attempt to channel volume to community hospitals and away from Partners was a bust.

At least in Baker’s current job as Governor he has some influence.

I don’t mean to be cynical at all. I’ve followed both of these mission-driven companies for many years and would love the new combined entity to be an influential innovator –not just in holding down costs but in radically improving experience and quality as well.

But after so many years of banging their heads against the wall, will they give it another go? I kind of doubt it. As the number 2 player in an insurance market led by Blue Cross Blue Shield, and a healthcare market dominated at the Massachusetts level by Partners and BI/Lahey and overall by the federal and state governments, I see their role mainly around the margins. I’m not sure their leadership is ready to go all out to change the system either.

In the last several years, under CEO Andrew Dreyfus, Blue Cross has actually passed Harvard Pilgrim and Tufts in the NCQA ratings. It’s been more innovative as well, with the Alternative Quality Contract (AQC) in particular.

I looked back this morning at my blog coverage of these companies over the years and picked out some highlights.

I’ve interviewed the CEOs of all three:

  • Tom Croswell, who will head the combined entity and is currently CEO of Tufts (2018)
  • Eric Schultz, then CEO of Harvard Pilgrim in a four-part video series in 2011 and again in a podcast in 2013
  • Charlie Baker, when he was running for Governor in 2014. (I interviewed every candidate that year)
  • Andrew Dreyfus, CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield in 2012

In my coverage (which is by no means comprehensive) I found a few examples of Harvard Pilgrim and Tufts trying to make waves in the market.

There’s much more to say, of course, but I do wish the new entity luck! Massachusetts can use all the help it can get.

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.

The post Harvard Pilgrim and Tufts are merging. Here’s why it doesn’t really matter appeared first on Health Business Group.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, August 19, 2019

5-Ingredient Instant Noodle Miso Soup

As delicious as it is easy to prepare, this Noodle Miso Soup comes together in under 10 minutes and requires only 5 ingredients to make! 

As delicious as it is easy to prepare, this Noodle Miso Soup comes together in under 10 minutes and requires only 5 ingredients to make! 

You know, sometimes — especially at lunch time — I find myself cooking only for me and as such, I like to keep things real fast and simple. If you factor in the fact that I’m a big Asian food aficionado, I guess it comes as no surprise that Miso Soup is something that I really tend to go for.

Seriously, this is one of my ultimate "easy-speedy" options.  I don’t think that there’s another meal out there that you can make quite as quickly as this Miso Soup, save for instant Ramen, but these hardly qualify as a meal, if you know what I mean…

This soup, on the other hand, is packed with highly nutritional ingredients: miso paste, for starters, which is excellent for you, tofu, mushrooms, green onions, rice noodles… it’s all good stuff, really! It’s pretty much like Ramen, made healthy, as far as speed and convenience are concerned.

When it comes to taste, though, you get ten thousand times better with this gorgeous bowl of [almost] instant goodness. continue reading

The post 5-Ingredient Instant Noodle Miso Soup appeared first on The Healthy Foodie.

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, August 18, 2019

No Mercy: After The Hospital Closes, How Do People Get Emergency Care?

Robert Findley died after falling on the ice during a winter storm this February in Fort Scott, Kan. Mercy Hospital had recently closed, so he had to be flown to a neurology center 90 miles north in Kansas City, Mo.

The loss of the longtime hospital in Fort Scott, Kan., has forced a change in the way ER care is provided, including a greater reliance on air ambulances.

(Image credit: Christopher Smith for Kaiser Health News)

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, August 17, 2019

How stress can curb the desire to eat in an animal model

Eating disorder researchers have discovered a neurocircuit in mice that, when activated, increased their stress levels while decreasing their desire to eat.

* This article was originally published here

Friday, August 16, 2019

'Silent' strokes common after surgery, linked to cognitive decline

The study found that 'silent' covert strokes are actually more common than overt strokes in people aged 65 or older who have surgery.

* This article was originally published here

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Most Kids On Medicaid Who Are Prescribed ADHD Drugs Don't Get Proper Follow-Up

Timely support and treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can help children focus and thrive, pediatricians say. But it takes close follow-up after diagnosis to tailor that treatment and avoid drug side effects.

An inspector general report from the Department of Health and Human Services found that 100,000 kids who were newly prescribed ADHD medication didn't see a care provider for months afterward.

(Image credit: Weeraya Siankulpatanakij/EyeEm/Getty Images)

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

'Cadillac Tax' On Generous Health Plans May Be Headed To Congressional Junkyard


The tax on an employer's generous health plan — originally envisioned as a way to get patients to avoid unneeded care — has never been implemented. Now Congress is considering a bipartisan repeal.

(Image credit: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg Creative/Getty Images)

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Life Image CTO Janak Joshi discusses real world evidence (RWE) –podcast

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Real world evidence?

Real World Evidence (RWE) is becoming more important in US healthcare, but the fragmented system and lack of interoperability makes it hard to collect and analyze. In this podcast, Life Image CTO Janak Joshi discusses  the state of the field and how it’s evolving.


  • (0:12) How would you describe the evolution of medical data?
  • (2:36) Real world evidence and real world data are becoming more prominent in healthcare –and for good reason. What are some of the challenges in assembling RWD and RWE? How can they be overcome?
  • (6:36) Is it really true that unstructured notes are becoming quantifiable and useful?
  • (9:46) There are major efforts by the US government and private sector to improve interoperability and end data blocking. You have groups like CommonWell and Carequality –now working together. What’s the current state of play and how are things changing?
  • (13:56) You talk about data brokers like Datavant and HealthVerity. How much of their success is because the US system is so broken? Do you see them having the same success elsewhere?
  • (17:31) Promoters of AI and Machine Learning –including Life Image—tout the opportunity to revolution healthcare with these new techniques. Is it for real or overhyped? And how does interoperability tie in?
  • (22:20) What are you most excited about over the next few years?

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.

The post Life Image CTO Janak Joshi discusses real world evidence (RWE) –podcast appeared first on Health Business Group.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, August 12, 2019

East Fork Pottery

Alrighty. Today, I am nerding out on kitchen goodies. The inspiration: East Fork. Food Blogging + Kitchen Store Shopping. Let's go back. It was 2007, and I had just started food blogging full time. I would take day trips to whatever kitchen store was closest to my home. I grabbed a metal hand basket and loaded up. The only rule: one of each. Maybe, two. Never three or four, or (gasp) a full set of the same old thing. No matter how much you loved it. One teal plate. One yellow bowl. One white mug. Two clear smoothie glasses. One silver spoon. One gingham napkin. One cream placemat. When I had completed my scavenge of the store, I would plop my basket at the checkout counter and wait for the eyebrow lift from the cashier. "You just want one of these?" She'd ask....

This is a summary, images and full post available on HHL website!

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches

It's Friday. And one way to celebrate a sunny summer weekend: scoop a few layers of melty, purple vegan ice cream between two homemade chocolate chip cookies. You with me? These Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches are ready for you...Read more »

This is a summary, images and full post available on HHL website!

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Creamy Vegan Ranch Dressing

This Homemade Creamy Vegan Ranch Dressing only takes minutes to make and tastes so crazy good, it will forever change the way you think of salads... In fact, you'll probably want to have salad every day, from now on!

This Homemade Creamy Vegan Ranch Dressing only takes minutes to make and tastes so crazy good, it will forever change the way you think of salads... In fact, you'll probably want to have salad every day, from now on!

I've been eating lots and lots and lots of salads this summer... As such, I've also been making lots and lots and lots of different salad dressings. So much so, I could easily be sharing a new salad dressing recipe every week with you. But then you'd probably be like "Hey! Enough with the salad dressings already! Where's da real food at?" at some point... 

But seriously, can you imagine a life without salad dressing? Me, all I can say is thank goodness for them! They have the incredible ability to turn any ordinary — and often rather boring — salad into an extraordinary explosion of flavors.

And I'm telling you this vegan ranch dressing right here is a illustrious superhero at doing just that! You will not believe the amount of flavor that this thing hides under its cape. KLUNG! KAPOW! BOOM! It's simply astounding! 

In fact, of all the different dressings that I've created so far, this one is my absolute favorite — I could almost drink it with a straw — which is why I decided that I had to share it with you. 

I hope that you like it just as much as I do and that it gets to liven and brighten many of your future salad fares...

continue reading

The post Creamy Vegan Ranch Dressing appeared first on The Healthy Foodie.

* This article was originally published here

Friday, August 9, 2019

White Cheddar Mac and Cheese (with Broccoli and Peas)

This vegan White Cheddar Mac and Cheese with Broccoli and Peas has everything you need for a hearty, healthy, delicious dinner - served in one big bowl. Creamy, fluffy mac + cheese is the everyone-will-love-this base. Warm veggies add greens, texture and extra goodness. Everything is coated in an easy, blended, cashew-based cheese sauce. (You can soak the cashews or not, I've had success both ways.) Add a few slivers of avocado on the side, for more buttery, green goodness. This is this week's one bowl wonder comfort food dinner...Read more »

This is a summary, images and full post available on HHL website!

* This article was originally published here

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Blood clotting proteins in urine discovered as biomarkers of lupus nephritis

Biomedical engineers have discovered blood clotting proteins in the urine of patients with Lupus Nephritis which is the leading cause of death in lupus patients. The new biomarker discovery could lead to better clinical disease monitoring.

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Broccoli Pasta Salad

This Vegan Broccoli Pasta Salad is so incredibly tasty that no one will realize exactly how much veggies they're actually eating! It's the perfect way to get kids and picky eaters to get their daily intake!

This Vegan Broccoli Pasta Salad is so incredibly tasty that no one will realize exactly how much veggies they're acctually eating! It's the perfect way to get kids and picky eaters to get their daily intake!

Summertime... it's all about salads, is it not? With so many picnics and barbecues and family gatherings, I say you can never have too many salad recipes.

And plus, salads are always good, any time of year. Whether you decide to enjoy them on their own, or a as a side, they should totally be a part of your every day meals.  

Here's one that I think you will particularly appreciate... It's crazy loaded with all kinds of super nutritious veggies, namely raw broccoli, bell peppers and carrots, but the fact that it also contains a small amount of pasta, and that it's brought together by a crazy tasty creamy dressing (seriously... it's so good that dressing, you'll want to use it in ALL your salads!) no one will ever even realize that they are in fact ingesting so many veggies. 

What's more, this Broccoli Pasta Salad also happens to be super sturdy and will keep really well in the fridge for up to a few days, so you can totally make it ahead of time and still find it totally presentable for a party, or have you last a while to enjoy with your meals throughout the week. 

It comes together pretty quick, too... just about the time that it would take you to cook pasta. I say in the kitchen, quick is good. I'm all for quick! 

continue reading

The post Broccoli Pasta Salad appeared first on The Healthy Foodie.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

#CareTalk July 2019. Democrats and HealthCare -The Great Debate

In this edition of #CareTalk, CareCentrix CEO John Driscoll and I discuss the impact of healthcare on the Democratic presidential race.

(0:36) What impact are the TV debates on healthcare having on the Democratic presidential race?
(2:30) Arkansas has been testing out a Medicaid work requirement. What do the results tell us?
(4:30) What should be made of the OpenNotes initiative in Massachusetts, which allows patients to access their doctors’ clinical notes about them?
(7:12) New doctors continue to avoid primary care. Does that matter?
(9:20) Did David avoid getting bit by a shark during his Cape Cod vacation?
(10:16) A judge struck down Trump’s rule to make drug makers disclose prices in TV ads. Does it matter?
(11:01) Is Alexa bad for healthcare?
(11:30) Co-design is a new healthcare buzzword – but how important is it?
Subscribe to the #CareTalk Podcast iTunes: Google Play:

The post #CareTalk July 2019. Democrats and HealthCare -The Great Debate appeared first on Health Business Group.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, August 5, 2019

Vegan Breakfast Sandwich

updated post Breakfast Sandwiches are a mainstay in our household. We make them for breakfast and sometimes for lunch or an afternoon snack. My husband especially loved them. And these days they are so easy to make vegan! Check out my fave ways to craft a vegan breakfast sandwich in under fifteen minutes...Read more »

This is a summary, images and full post available on HHL website!

* This article was originally published here