Sunday, July 28, 2019

AdhereHealth CEO Jason Rose on patient adherence (podcast)

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Jason Rose, CEO AdhereHealth

Adherence to medication regimens is a huge challenge, with patients failing to get the benefit of their drugs and payers not getting the results they’re paying for. Adherence is also a major opportunity; for example over half of Medicare Star ratings are based on adherence.

In this podcast interview, AdhereHealth CEO Jason Rose offers his perspective:

  • (0:12) What are the biggest challenges in the pharmacy field? (Here’s the article Jason references in his reply)
  • (1:52) What does adherence really mean? Is it a big deal?
  • (6:15) Who has a financial incentive to do something about it?
  • (8:38) You claim over half of Medicare Star ratings are based on adherence. Is it really true?
  • (12:18) Is adherence a patient-centric term? It sounds more top down.
  • (13:58) How do social determinants of health tie in to adherence?
  • (18:15) What role does AdhereHealth play?
  • (22:27) Is your Pharmacy at Home program just a mail order pharmacy?
  • (24:56) Why did your company change its name?
  • (26:38) Can we expecting sweeping changes in adherence, with the introduction of new tools like AI and wearables?

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group.

The post AdhereHealth CEO Jason Rose on patient adherence (podcast) appeared first on Health Business Group.

* This article was originally published here

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