Monday, April 27, 2020

Observer quotes David Williams on Tesla’s prospects during pandemic

Car sales are plummeting around the globe, yet Tesla sales –and its stock– are holding up for now.  It’s not exactly a healthcare story, but the Observer cited David Williams as a source anyway, in Tesla Seems Immune to Coronavirus’ Blow to Automobile Sales –But Is It?

“Although Tesla is not completely insulated from the downturn, I do believe that their situation is unique and they will be able to sell everything they make,” David Williams, president of Health Business Group, a management consulting firm, told Observer. Last week, Williams placed an order for a Tesla Model Y, “even though I don’t know when it will arrive or what the economy will be like at that time,” he said. “It’s a combination of wanting something fun and innovative and wanting to reduce my carbon footprint. I think my situation is typical of Tesla customers.”

The post Observer quotes David Williams on Tesla’s prospects during pandemic appeared first on Health Business Group.

* This article was originally published here

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